Kartini Ahmad Kamal
Kartini nicknamed Tnie is a marathoner, originally from Sandakan, Sabah. Since 2014, Kartini has completed 67 marathons and ultramarathons and you will find often at the podium of these events. She met her Johorian husband at running event and both of them run regularly. Kartini loves coffee, food, shoes and is addicted to running marathons.
Beet It Sport really helps me improve in my exercise efficiency and performance.
1. How did you get involved in running?
I was not a runner before. I was never involved with running when I was at school. My running started back in 2012 when I signed up for a 10km race all because I wanted the goodies so much! I finished my very 1st 10km event in 1 hour 20mins at the Nike We Run KL 2012. I was so happy … I couldn’t believe that I actually could run and the rest is history.
2. What is your biggest motivation to keep pushing the limits of your performance?
I reward myself and celebrate every achievement along the way to my big goal, no matter how small it may be. The rewards ensure that I keep myself motivated. To give an example, I’ll indulge in ice cream after completing an interval session successfully according to the pace set.
3. What’s your best achievement so far?
I achieved a sub 3.45 hour marathon recently.
4. What do you hope achieve in the coming year?
To aim for a sub 3.30 hour marathon.
5. How did you hear of Beet It Sport?
I actually first encounter Beet It Sport at the KLCSM Expo in 2019. I bought a shot to try but only managed to use it a few months later. However, I was not sure of its proper usage and did not follow the right timing. Later on, I saw my friend posted about the benefits of consuming Beet It Sport and wanted to try it again. I did and this time round, it really helped me in improving my exercise efficiency and performance.
6. Why do you use Beet It Sport and how has it helped you?
It’s easy to prepare. And also to get the right amount of nitrates that our body actually needs to reap its benefits. Beet It Sport really helps me in my performance especially during races.
7. Anything additional you would like to add about Beet It Sport?
I highly recommend Beet It Sport to those who want to improve their endurance performance as it helps to increase blood flow and oxygen supply to our working muscles.